Apartment Cleaning

We wanted to make this specific page on apartment cleaning for a couple of reasons. Mainly, more people tend to live in apartments these days. At least more people than ever before in our estimation. Therefore, we get a lot of what we could call apartment-specific questions. For us, cleaning apartments and cleaning homes is very similar. There are certain differences though and things that we want to make sure people understand before they ultimately decide to book any of our services.
We Are Going To Ask You If The Service Is For An Apartment or For A House
There are a couple of things that we need to know when we are cleaning apartments. Particularly how high up the apartment is particularly if there are no elevators in the building. Can we clean apartments where there are no elevators in the building? Yes, we are going to be able to clean these types of apartments. What we may not be able to do is bring all of the cleaning supplies along with us. Therefore for some folks, we are only going to be able to offer the cleaning with their own supplies.
Yes, We Can Clean Small Apartments
We mentioned this on the homepage. A lot of times people who live in small apartments think it doesn’t make much sense to call a maid. If you live to work and you are never at home you are going to have to spend whatever time you are home cleaning instead of resting. Yeah, we know it doesn’t make too much sense to us either. Make the call and figure out what we may be able to do for you. We bet it’s a better option than using up all of your free time to clean.
Do I Have To Be On Property To Get The Cleaning Service?
No, you don’t have to be on property when we are providing the cleaning services. That being said, we understand that this is a topic that a lot of people have their concerns about. We talk all we want about the background checks that our employees have to go through, but you still have to let someone you potentially don’t know into your home. If you have any type of doubts about how all of this works be sure to give us a call. We can explore all of the different possibilities or even methods that could make you feel safer about letting someone into your property.
We Can Bring All Of The Necessary Cleaning Supplies
This is something that happens quite a bit with people who live on their own and they are just here for work or have a vacation home. They are likely not going to have a full stack of cleaning chemicals and supplies that we can essentially fall back on. We know this and that’s why we offer to bring along all of the necessary tools and supplies that we are going to need for the job.