Deep Cleaning

Some people have this misconception that maid services are simple cleaning services. You can just dust off parts of your home and that’s it. We are not sure if that misconception comes from past experiences that people have or how maids are portrayed in the media. Whatever the case maybe we want to make sure that you know that we are able to offer deep cleaning services. Our deep cleaning services can extend to things like flooring, outdoor areas in general, and other types of needs that you may have.
Deep Cleaning Flooring & Carpets
Certainly, floors and carpets are two of the main things that people want us to deep clean. In these procedures, we know that particularly in carpets we need to use as little water as possible. With floors, pressure washing could be an option that is on the table. We have the right equipment to be able to steam clean carpets and wash floors with just the right amount of water pressure to make sure that the process can be effective. While at the same time we are not overdoing it.
Upholstery & Overall Furniture
If you have pets there is a good chance that their hair is a main fixture in your furniture. For the most part, we don’t deal with pet wastes in our cleaning procedures. That being said we can help you remove pet hair and certain stains from upholstery and furniture in general. Of course, pets don’t have to be the only thing that is hampering the well being of your furniture. Kids and wine spills can also contribute to the forming of stains on these elements. We are going to be able to help you remove those stains and the odors that could come along with them.
Schedule Your Deep Cleaning Within Your Regular Services
When you are a recurring client of ours you are also going to be able to enjoy special pricing on deep cleaning procedures. Let us know if you want us to provide some type of deep cleaning procedure within your regular cleaning hours or if you are interested in making sure that a particular procedure takes place on a specific day. You’ll be able to book carpet and flooring deep cleaning as well as other types of deep cleaning services that we offer virtually at any point in time. Ideally, though, give us a heads up of a few days to be able to prep the service accordingly.
See The Results For Yourself
A lot of companies love to show off their before and after pictures and we have plenty of those to go around. Really though the best way to see what a thorough cleaning can really do to your property is to give the service a shot. We can promise you that all of the procedures that we apply are safe for the surface itself. Therefore it won’t hurt one bit to give our services a try.