Green Cleaning

What exactly are we offering with regards to green cleaning? Many cleaning companies such as ourselves and mostly cleaning product manufacturers have gone heavy on producing and offering cleaning supplies that aren’t meant to be unharmful to humans or the environment. It’s no secret that for years we’ve been using pretty toxic chemicals, particularly to deep clean certain areas. The way that we see it if there’s a green alternative it just makes sense to at least explore it. That’s exactly what we are looking to help you do here.
Does It Really Make A Difference?
We firmly believe that a lot of the chemicals that were formerly used in most cleaning procedures wore out the facilities much quicker. That’s a normal thing that happens when you are dealing with toxic chemicals. Also, the production of these chemicals really hurt the environment there are a multitude of tests that show that to be a fact. As far as a tangible benefit one of the things that we want to essentially rid you from are the odors that even make your eyes water that a lot of these very strong chemicals produce on people. So, yes we do feel that going green makes a difference.
These Chemicals Are For Added Value Not Added Cost
One of the myths about going with green chemicals for cleaning is that you are paying more for a less effective product just because of the “green” label. We are not going to sit here and defend every product under the sun that flies under the green label. Actually, it is a fair assessment to make that certain suppliers made a lot of money on fake environmentally friendly chemicals. Again, there are plenty of examples of that, that we could point to. The chemicals that we use have proven to us and to our clients as well as most likely many other people that they work effectively.
I Feel Bleach and Chlorine Are More Effective
We understand that some people have very traditional cleaning methods that they have used for years on end and those are the methods that they want to see applied to their homes. There is no reason to have a debate over what is better and what is worse. If there are particular chemicals that you want us to use, for the most part, we are going to be able to clean your home with those chemicals.
Try It Out & See How Things Go
Just like we talked about in our deep cleaning procedures you are never really going to know whether or not certain procedures are appropriate for your property unless you try. We can vouch for all of the chemicals that we use within our green cleaning procedures. Not only for their effectiveness but for the fact that they are safe. Try our green cleaning and see how things go. If you are not ok with the results we can always go back to the regular cleaning chemicals that you’re used to.